Urban Intimacy
Soaking into the city is penetrating the intimacy of our lives.
Our stories can be real or just phantasms but they are written deep inside the urban maze, where the lines of the structures respond to the curves of the bodies.
With the series of diptychs, Stéphane Ferrero invites the audience to wander through three of the most urbanized cities of the Chinese world (Shanghai, Hong Kong and Taipei) and gaze through the façades that compose the daily life of their inhabitants.
Those cities hyper-materialist as they are can still give some space to imagination and allow us to penetrate the intimacy of possible lives behind the walls.
Urban intimacy questions our relationship with urbanity and put in perspective urban and corporal aesthetic. Urban intimacy also draws the attention of the audience to the part of interpretation inhere in photography as some of the female models posing are real and others are dummies. This trick allows the artist to remind that truthfulness of the stories guessed behind urban structures is not an issue.